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Prof. Mark Boyes
Professor of Psychology, School of Population Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, Curtin University
Co-Lead, Mental Health Domain, Curtin enAble Institute
Evaluating the United Way WA and CLAN Midland community programs
With colleagues at United Way WA, Community Link and Network (CLAN Midland), and Curtin University (Dr Suze Leitao, Dr Mary Claessen, and Dr Peta Dzidic), I am evaluating the community programs run by United Way WA and CLAN Midland in the City of Swan in Perth. These programs have a specific focus on education, income, and health and their goals are:
To ensure that children are prepared for kindergarten
To ensure that children commence school prepared to learn
To ensure children have the supports necessary to succeed in school and make a successful transition to secondary school
To ensure young people graduate from high school prepared for life, higher education, and a career
This research is funded by United Way WA and CLAN Midland.
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