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Supporting the mental health needs of children with language difficulties (2025-2029)

Boyes, M. E.

Stan Perron Charitable Foundation - People Grant

Social determinants of mental health among children with language difficulties: Identifying intervention targets to prevent mental disorders (2023-2026)

Boyes, M., Eadie, P., Norbury, C., McArthur, G., Whitworth, A., Leitao, S., Hill, E., Levickis, P., Calder, S., Norman, R., McEvoy, P., & Francis, D.

Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) - Million Minds Mental Health Research Mission.


Co-design and trial of a mental health program for children with language difficulties (2023-2026)

Boyes, M. E., Hill, E., Leitao, S., Tonta, K., & Myers, B.

Healthway (Western Australian Health Promotion Foundation) - Intervention Research Grant


Improving the accessibility of universal child mental health programs (2024-2026)

Hill, E., Boyes, M. E., Leitão, S., Rooney, R., Tonta, K., Ryan, B., McEvoy, P., McArthur, G, Hersh, D., Wilmot, A.

Healthway (Western Australian Health Promotion Foundation) - Exploratory Research Grant


Mental health in children with dyslexia: Identifying predictors of emotional and behavioural problems and testing a mental health promotion intervention (2020-2024)

Boyes, M. E.

NHMRC Investigator Grant (Emerging Leadership)


Mental health promotion in children with language difficulties: Exploring perspectives and priorities of those with lived experience (2023-2025)

Hill, E., Boyes, M. E., Leitao, S., Tonta, K., Sowerbutts, A., & Baker, J.

DLD Research Grant - The DLD Project


Language difficulties and child mental health: Priority setting for development of a global research agenda (2023)

Boyes, M. E., Norbury, C., McArthur, G., & Nayton, M.

Raine Medical Research Foundation - Research Collaboration Award


Promoting mental health in children with language and literacy difficulties (2021-2023)

Boyes, M. E., Leitao, S., Hasking, P., & Claessen, M.

Healthway (Western Australian Health Promotion Foundation) - Exploratory Research Grant


Short-term Feasibility study of the Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) program for the Transport Workers Union (2022-2023)

Chih, J., McEvoy, P., Boyes, M. E., Burns, S., Breen, L., Egan. S., Brown, J., & McGough, S.

Transport Workers Union (TWU)


Development and evaluation of a pilot wellness program for postgraduate speech pathology students (2022-2023)

Smart, S., Hill, E., Parsons, D., Gardner, P., Gribble, N., & Boyes, M. E.

Curtin Learning and Teaching Excellence Centre (LITEC) - iSOTL Small Grant


Understanding the link between reading impairments and emotional problems (2020-2022)

McArthur, G., Hudson, J., Wuthrich, V., Boyes, M. E., Nayton, M., Torppa, M., & Bowes, L.

ARC Discovery Project Grant


Improving detection and referral for university students at risk of suicide (2019-2022)

Hasking, P., Melvin, G., Bruffaerts, R., Rees, C., Boyes, M. E., Auerbach, R., Hendrie, D., Nock, M., & Kessler, R.

Suicide Prevention Australia Research Fund


Wellcome Active Ingredients - Engagement and qualitative insights (2020-2021)

Finlay-Jones, A., Hamdani, S., Chakrabati, B., Huma, Z., Orchard, F., Chisholm, K., Brinkman, S., Hudson, J., Cross, D., Lin, A., Newnham, E., & Boyes, M. E.

Wellcome Trust


Profiling the speech, language and communication skills of adolescents in Curriculum and Reengagement in Education (CARE) Schools in WA (2020-2021)

Leitao, S., Claessen, M., & Boyes, M. E.

Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia


DFES Home Fire Safety and Year 3 School Visit Program - Evaluation Processes and Resources (2020)

Newnham, E., Leitao, S., & Boyes, M. E.

Department of Fire and Emergency Services, Government of Western Australia


Improving mental health of young Australians with chronic illness: A pilot randomised controlled trial of online self-compassion training (2019-2020)

Finlay-Jones, A., Rees, C., Boyes, M. E., Perry, Y., & Sirois, F.

Australian Rotary Health - Mental Health Research Grant


Promoting mental health in children with dyslexia: Piloting the "Clever Kids" program (2018-2019)

Boyes, M. E.,  Leitao, S., Dzidic, P., Claessen, M., Badcock, N., & Nayton, M.

Australian Rotary Health - Mental Health Research Grant


New Independent Researcher Infrastructure Support (NIRIS) Award (2017-2018)

Boyes, M. E.

Department of Health, Government of Western Australia


Promoting mental health in children with reading difficulties (2015-2016)

Boyes, M. E., Badcock, N., Leitao, S., Claessen, M., & Nayton, M.

Healthway (Western Australian Health Promotion Foundation)


Evaluating the United Way Western Australia child and community development programs (2015-2016)

Boyes, M. E., Leitao, S., & Claessen, M.

United Way Western Australia & Community Link and Action Network (CLAN Midland)



Pathways to survival: Identifying psychosocial, family and service mechanisms to improve anti-retroviral adherence amongst HIV-positiveadolescents in Southern Africa (2014-2017)

Cluver, L. D., Hodes, R., Gardner, F., Boyes, M. E., Orkin, M., & Marks, D.

Nuffield Foundation



Relationships between reading difficulties and child and adolescent mental health (2014-2015)

Boyes, M. E., Badcock, N., Leitao, S., Claessen, M., & Nayton, M.

Research Award Grant Scheme (School of Psychology and Speech Pathology, Curtin University)



Pathways from parental HIV/AIDS to child psychological, educational and sexual risk: Developing an empirically-based interactive model (2012-2013)

Cluver, L. D., Boyes, M. E., Orkin, M., & Sherr, L.

RIATT Eastern and Southern Africa (Regional Interagency Task Team)



Health, social risk, and resilience for AIDS-affected children (2011-2013)

Cluver, L. D. & Boyes, M. E.

South African Department of Social Development



Development of an AIDS-related child abuse prevention programme (ACAPP) at the Centre for AIDS Interdisciplinary Research at Oxford (2011-2013)

Cluver, L. D. & Boyes, M. E.

John Fell Fund (Oxford University Press, United Kingdom)



AIDS-orphaned children and Young Carers in South Africa: Health and social risks (2010-2013)

Cluver, L. D. & Boyes, M. E.

Claude Leon Foundation


Awards and Prizes


2023: Faculty of Health Sciences Teaching Excellence Award (Honours, Postgraduate, or HDR supervision), Curtin University

2021: Faculty of Health Sciences Mid Career Researcher of the Year Prize, Curtin University

2017: Faculty of Health Sciences Publication Impact Prize, Curtin University


2015: Faculty of Health Sciences Early Career Researcher of the Year Prize (2014/2015), Curtin University

2015: Faculty of Health Sciences Publication Impact Prize, Curtin University


2014-2018: Research Associate (Centre for Evidence-Based Intervention), University of Oxford


2014: Faculty of Health Sciences Publication Impact Prize, Curtin University


2013-2014: Research Fellowship (Wolfson College), University of Oxford


2012: Department of Social Policy and Intervention Staff Travel Award, University of Oxford


2011: Department of Social Policy and Intervention Staff Travel Award, University of Oxford


2009-2013: Junior Research Fellowship (Wolfson College), University of Oxford


2008: Postgraduate Travel Award, University of Western Australia


2005: Australian Postgraduate Award (Doctoral Scholarship)


2005: School of Psychology Fee-waiver Scholarship (for fees associated with the MPsych degree), University of Western Australia


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